Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Blessings are just everyday blessings we just take for granted.........

We made our first road trip since Kirk's rapid decline. (Since our last trip to Houston, more confusion has set in). We made one pit stop! Those that have been around Kirk lately know how huge that is! Lol!  His mom and stepdad live in the same house Kirk grew up in.  He remembered how to get there once we were in Abilene.( He told me where to turn, stop, etc....)  Once we were in the house that's where his memory grew dim.  I thought for sure this would jog his memory or he would at least remember which room was his. It only reminded me of how much I hate this disease!

God showed our family his grace this weekend........ Kirk's family is quite blended. All the brothers were together this weekend under one roof. No one cared about the past or how we all became a family. What mattered was the fact that WE were just that,  FAMILY.  We gathered to give thanks for our blessings that in the past we all have taken for granted. Today we were reminded of just how precious those blessings really are!  As we stood there holding hands and heads bowed in prayer, I lifted my head and took a peek. I saw brothers, step-brothers and half-brothers. I saw sisters-n-law, cousins, sisters, moms, dads, step-moms and step-dads, husbands and wives.  I realized at that moment that through the years God has shown his Grace and Glory and planned for this special day. He took us all on our own personal journeys to get us here to realize his grace is sufficient. How awesome! How amazing! He loves us so much!!!!!!

Kirk's brother, Keith took him hunting Friday morning. He was so excited! You would have thought it was his first hunt ever! I love to see him so excited! He loves the outdoors and it seems to energize him.

As we drive home, I switch my brain to planning mode. I pick up the RV this morning and load up for 10 days of  "Griswold Family Fun" !  Everyone is excited! I reflect this morning on the meaning of this trip. It's a bit overwhelming! In my heart I take this sweet community with us! I'm not going to focus on the prognosis of Kirk's disease, instead we are going to "dance like no one is watching" !

I posted  a quote that talked about people with dementia still have stories to tell, still have character, they are all individuals. Kirk reminded me of this last night. He asked if he made me crazy sometimes. I stopped and thought about what I have done to make him think that. I try to make life as easy as possible for Kirk.  This adds alot of extras on me and can be stressful. I realized that I need to be more patient and listen to him more. My sweetheart is still in there, he still needs to feel important and needed. A lesson learned!

So last night he took the trash out! ;)

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